Did you know that some termites can live as long as 2 years? Once termites invade your home, there’s no question about waiting them out. They will live long enough to produce hundreds or thousands of offspring.

The more termites there are, the more damage they can do to your home. Enough termite damage might make your home an unsafe place to live. This is why termite control is so important.

But what should you know about termite pest control, and where should you start? Keep reading and learn more about it with this termite control guide.

Regularly Inspect Your Home

It is important to inspect your home for termites once or twice a year. Termites can sneak into your home at any time. Many people have termites in their homes without realizing it.

This allows termites to eat away at the inner structures of your home for years. You might not find out about the damage until it’s too late. It might cost you thousands of dollars to repair the damage.

But inspecting your home can prevent this problem. Start by inspecting your home’s foundation. Termites often crawl into homes through cracks or holes in the foundation.

Termites also create mud tunnels. These are easily recognizable since they look like little tubs made of mud on the surface of the concrete foundation. Termites use these tubes to travel higher up the side of the house.

They do this in search of wood in the form of siding or supports. If you see any mud tunnels, it is important to get rid of them fast before the damage becomes too extensive. If you don’t know how to eliminate termites, you can call a professional pest control service.

The Details

You should also inspect your home’s windowsills, doors, and siding. Check for any holes or cracks that may allow termites to enter the deeper structures of your home. Termites are very small and can fit into even smaller spaces.

Once they enter your home, they will be sheltered enough to reproduce quickly and easily. They will also feast on the supports, walls, ceilings, and floors inside your home. If there are any holes in the exterior of your home, seal them.

Check for any signs of termite droppings as well. These are often found on windowsills and the corners of rooms.

Avoid Exposed Wood and Moist Environments

You might not think that the exterior of your house has any exposed wood, but you might be wrong. There might be gaps in your siding that lead to wood structures further inside the house. The base of your home might also be made of wood.

Wood stairs are also something you should look out for. Any piece of wood that is in contact with the ground is a bad idea. This is because this gives termites easy access to your home.

They won’t have to crawl far to find a large, woodsy meal. From any piece of exposed wood, these termites can then crawl up and into the deeper structures of your home. If you have any wood stairs or baseboards, consider replacing them.

Materials like stone and brick or concrete are not interesting to termites. They will also make it difficult for these insects to infiltrate your home. You should also prevent your home’s exterior from being too moist.

What You Need to Know

Termites love moisture. Moist environments will attract them like moths to a flame. Fallen leaves and other debris around your home may attract and hold moisture.

This is why it is important to keep the ground around your house clear. If there are any piles of leaves near your home’s foundation, clear them away. If any puddles form near your home, find a way to improve the water drainage.

If there are any old pieces of furniture or anything else that holds moisture near your home, throw them away or put them somewhere else. The drier your house is, the better. This is because dry environments are very unattractive to termites.

They would rather spend their time seeking out a moist environment that is easier to live in. This should reduce the risk of termites coming anywhere near your home.

Call a Professional

Hiring a pest control service is great for inspections and pest removal. If you don’t know what to look for in an inspection, a professional can do the heavy lifting for you. The professional will know what to look for and whether your home has a termite problem or not.

If you already have a termite problem, pest control professionals can help with that too. They have all the right tools and supplies to remove termites safely and efficiently. Many DIY methods for termite removal don’t work very well.

You may kill some of the insects, but not all of them. The remainder will continue reproducing and perpetuating the problem. But a professional will ensure that every termite in your home is dealt with in the right way.

This ensures that your home remains termite-free and free of structural damage.

All About Termite Control

Termite control is important for every home. Your home might be full of termites, and you might not be aware of it. This is why it is important to inspect your home and keep it free of moisture and exposed wood.

If you think you already have a termite problem, consider calling a professional. To learn more about professional pest control, check out our services.